Top 5 Ways To Make A Great First Impression

There will be times in the business world when it will be of great importance to leave a positive and lasting impression. In the customer service world it could be a prospect, a current client, or even a vendor that you will have to win over. In real life, you can apply these tips to just about anyone and have success. A strong instant connection will go a long way towards making your first experience a memorable one.

So here are my Top 5 Ways To Make A Good First Impression:

#1 – Smile

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you wouldn’t believe the number of customer service representatives that I catch with unhappy looks on their faces. I think we’ve all seen it.

You go into a store for a pleasant purchasing experience and instead are faced with a salesperson who looks less than enthusiastic about being there.

The truth is: it doesn’t make a customer feel very welcome if you look like you’re waiting to have your next gynecological visit – so please be mindful of the look on your face (especially when you are in public). The idea is to convey enjoyment in working there so that your clients can enjoy you and their purchasing experience too.

#2 – Maintain Eye Contact

Making and maintaining the right amount of eye contact can be tough. Especially if you’re a little shy or if you’re unsure of how the other person is going to react.

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul and if you’ve ever tried to read a person in sunglasses, you will probably agree.

The key here is to greet the person with some friendly eye contact right away. If you look down you will seem insecure and if you look to the side, you can come across as shifty. So be open and welcoming. As they are speaking, keep focused on their face and really listen to what the person is trying to say.

#3 – A Great Handshake

I feel like most of us are taught at a young age how to give a proper handshake. So it’s a little strange to me when I encounter the dreaded limp biscuit style shake. With irony (that was not at all lost on me), I encountered one again earlier today while out buying some scones.

So please. Please… even if you’re a ‘lady’… take the person’s hand firmly – but not TOO firmly – look the person right in the eyes, smile, and say, “hello”.

A handshake is usually the first (and probably the only) body to body contact we will have with someone in a work setting. This is the time to shine and make that first impression. Don’t mess it up with big wet noodle.

#4 – Plan Your Approach

Sometimes, taking a minute or two to prepare yourself for a potential meet and greet can get you a much closer to making that great first impression you are looking for.

If you know who you are about to meet, you can look up their company profile and get an idea of what they represent. That way when you meet them, you will already have a sense of their personality and what their interests might be.

Take a moment to prepare a plan. Think about your goals and the tone you will set to get you there. Even if you just think about it briefly, you will do better than if you just wing it, so it’ll be worth it.

#5 – Speak With Confidence

I got a call once from a salesperson trying to get me to come out to an exclusive event where they wanted me to sip champagne while sitting in some of the top luxury yachts for free. Being the boat lover that I am, I was really excited to do this.

The problem was, the rep called and asked in more of a whimper than anything enticing. He was like a little mouse squeaking in my ear. Sad. He had already decided that I was not going to like his offer, so he buckled to the pressure of the cold call – fail!

My advice to him was this: Speak with confidence. Treat the conversation like his event is the best thing in the world and I am a lucky customer that has been provided the invite to go. When trying to make a great first impression, your confidence can make it or break it for you, so be ready and be passionate.

Smile, make eye contact, extend your hand, and be prepared. All these combined can help you gain the confidence you need to leave a lasting impression in a business relationship.

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